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26.10.2023 (Thursday)

2599' style='color:#f0ad4e'>

Decomposition of 2d pure Yang-Mills and the Gross-Taylor string theory

Regular Seminar Eric au:Sharpe'><span class='hl'>Eric</span> Sharpe (Virginia Tech.)

14:00 QMUL
room G.O. Jones 610 and Zoom

In this talk we will attempt to reconcile two different results on two-dimensional pure Yang-Mills theory. Specifically, we will discuss how the fact that 2d pure Yang-Mills is equivalent to a disjoint union of theories, is related to the Gross-Taylor description of 2d pure Yang-Mills as the target-space field theory of a string theory. The Gross-Taylor picture can be understood by first rewriting the Yang-Mills partition function (in a large N limit) as a sum of correlation functions in Dijkgraaf-Witten theories for the symmetric group S_n, and then interpreting those Dijkgraaf-Witten correlation functions in terms of branched covers, which leads to the string theory description. We first observe that the decomposition of the pure Yang-Mills aligns perfectly with decomposition of S_n Dijkgraaf-Witten theory, and then discuss decomposition and the branched covers interpretation. We encounter two puzzles, and to solve them, propose that the Gross-Taylor string theory has a higher-form symmetry.

14.06.2012 (Thursday)

1077' style='color:#f0ad4e'>

Introduction to Quantum Sheaf Cohomology

Regular Seminar Eric au:Sharpe'><span class='hl'>Eric</span> Sharpe (Virginia Tech)

15:00 City U.
room CG56

07.11.2005 (Monday)

240' style='color:#f0ad4e'>

Stringy corrections to spacetime superpotentials

String Theory & Geometry Seminar Eric au:Sharpe'><span class='hl'>Eric</span> Sharpe (Utah University)

13:30 IC
room Billiard Room, 58 Princes Gate